My how time does fly.... So, January was back and forth, back and forth, up in the air, as the ball in a major ping-pong ball game hitting all the walls, the ceiling, the floor, and getting stuck somewhere in the lost reaches of the belly of the table. That is how I would describe the case since I last wrote.
Most recent update: We have had Princess Frog the entire time. She had two day visits, and then the ball vanished in the air. We have no idea what's going on. That is the nature of her unique case... it's just plain weird and really, really hard. But she is soooo worth it.
Court is very soon. It is a very important date - this time the judge really will need to rule an ultimatum... hopefully not a 3 month extension. The case needs to end for Princess Frog's sake. She needs to be able to settle down and stabilize... and just stay put. Wherever that may be, we just pray that what happens, happens in her best interest.
I decided too, at this point to drop my second class... : ( Just thinking about it made me want to cry... just too much stress and I'm working on building my lesson plans. Another time, I'll pick it up and give it a go. For now, I'm madly working on grading the 30 (down to 20) papers that were handed to me a little while ago... since I'm a tad behind due to illness running around lose in my house. It's going to be a long week, been booked a while, and last minute too. Next week is now also officially booked full... and following will be interesting depending if we actually get to join Kabaju on a partial business trip to somewhere a little less frigged, but withing driving distance..... Ya, this month will just be more and more interesting.
All I have to say is I yi, yi! I hear Zzzzzzz's a calling me.